Microsoft discharged another update for the Microsoft To-Do application.

To-Do application gets a few changes in the Fast Ring

The new update is accessible to download from the Microsoft Store for all Fast Ring Insiders. Therefore, the new highlights aren't cleaned at this point, and the organization is searching for input from Insiders.

Talking about these new highlights, it appears To-Do will have another passage bar. You will probably pick a rundown, include due dates, and include updates, this while you're composing.

A great deal of clients are content with the changes, as some new highlights for the To-Do application were long past due:

That looks cool.

Pleasant element.

You ought to make an application review program (like the OneNote application or the Photos application for Windows). I need to utilize those new To-Do highlights, yet I would prefer not to test new Windows includes before they are prepared.

For non-Insiders, there isn't a discharge date for the overall population update, yet it may arrive sooner than you might suspect.

What's your preferred component in Microsoft To-Do? Offer your answer in the remarks underneath and we'll proceed with the discussion.